Good Grief People
ISBN: 9781988155050
Angel Hope Publishing
GOOD GRIEF PEOPLE is an anthology filled with real stories respecting and affirming the individuality of grief and the reality of hope.
GOOD GRIEF PEOPLE offers no specific formula for grieving but it does offer an opportunity for readers to know they are not alone. Many of the stories are faith-filled true experiences of encounters with a living, loving God. Other stories relay a different kind of grieving and how those who are left behind cope in a crisis.
Price: $20.00

Jesus Loves Me When I Dance*
*Winner of the 2017 Word Award - Children's Picture Book Category!
ISBN: 9781988155043
The sweetness and innocence of childhood echoes throughout the precious photo illustrations and the gentle rhythm of
Turn each page and celebrate Jesus through the eyes of a child. Whether in stripey socks, boots or shoes with ‘Jesus love’ we’ll never lose!
Price: $8.50

Hopeful Homer by Glynis M. Belec
ISBN: 9780992007485
Children's Picture Book;
Breakfast is always better in the barn, according to Hopeful Homer. The flies are juicier. The beetles are bigger. The only problem is, Homer forgets to pay attention and before he knows it he finds himself in a pickle
Price: $8.95

Galloping Gus by Glynis M. Belec
ISBN: 9780992007447 Children's Picture Book.
Galloping Gus cannot help but splash and play in the puddles much to the chagrin of Simon McGiver, his careful driver. Join Gus as he bounces along, gets into trouble a little too often and experiences the sheer joy of play. Laugh at the antics of the big yellow school bus and find out what happens when Gus says “beep beep” and pretends to sleep and imagines he’ll soon be all muddy. A little friction, a measure of forgiveness, lots of laughs and a determined big yellow bus makes Galloping Gus a delight for children to read again and again.
Price: $9.95

Galloping Gus Colouring & Activities by Glynis M. Belec
ISBN: 9780992007454
Children's Colouring and Activity Book.
A perfect companion to Galloping Gus Picture book!
Price: $4.25

Mrs. B Has Cancer by Glynis M. Belec (Angel Hope Publishing)
ISBN: 9780992007409
Juvenile Fiction. 8-12 years
Tristan has a million questions when he finds out Mrs. B has ovarian cancer. When he learns about all the tests his tutor has to go through, Tristan starts thinking the worst. Then he gets an idea. Why not surprise Mrs. B with a Cancel Cancer Party? Tristan rounds up his friends to help and soon the big day arrives. But there is something fishy going on. And Mrs. B is not the only one who is surprised. (*$1.00 from the sale of each book goes directly to Ovarian Cancer Canada)
Price: $9.95

Jailhouse Rock by Glynis M Belec
Arch Book, Concordia Publishing © When I originally read through scripture and then wrote this children’s rhyming picture book, I was smitten by the faith of Paul and Silas as they sat in the dank, dark prison. What a lesson for everyone – a steadfast faith in a sometimes challenging, always unpredictable world. Delightful, accompanying artwork by Ed Kohler adds to a child’s delight as he turns each page in search of the eyes that are perpetually watching. ISBN: 9780570075639
Price: $3.75

Jesus Washes Peter’s Feet by Glynis M Belec
Arch Book, Concordia Publishing © This was my second rhyming picture book, written in thoughtful response to what it means to be a servant. Based on the scriptural account of when Jesus, in true humility, kneels before his disciple, Peter, and washes his feet. Children will easily memorize and think about the story found in John 3:1-12 as they hear this age old story relayed in rhyme. Colourful illustrations by Unada Gliewe enhance the story and take the young reader on a journey with Jesus. ISBN: 9780570075714
Price: $3.75

Christmas with Hot Apple Cider
ISBN 9781927692417
Inspirational stories from the season of giving and receiving!
I have two piece in this book. The first - The Christmas Forest on page 128, is about my attempt at tradition which turned into a revelation about my heart. And the second piece is a play called The Search. Three wise women follow the stars in search of Jesus. They end up in Stuffmart and something highly unlikely unfolds. The stars were right after all!
Price: $19.95

A Taste of Hot Apple Cider
ISBN: 978-1-927692-12-7 A delightful anthology containing: Words to Encourage and Inspire! My story - "My Love Affair with Gym" is on page 63. A late night accident at a 24 hour gym becomes a God moment!
Price: $7.99

A Second Cup of Hot Apple Cider - On Being Still and Knowing by Glynis M. Belec
* Words to stimulate the mind and delight the soul. * Winner of the 2012 Christian Small Publisher Book of the Year Award in the Gift Book category *'On Being Still & Knowing' - Page 92 is a story about my cancer journey. In the summer of 2012, I was thrilled to learn that my story was short listed and then was awarded an Award of Merit at the Word Awards 2012 sponsored by the Word Guild (TWG). $5.00 from the sale of each book goes to Ovarian Cancer Canada. ISBN: 9780978496319
Price: $19.99

2nd Cup of Hot Apple Cider Discussion Guide
ISBN #9780978496395
A fabulous little guide to complement A Second Cup of Hot Apple Cider. Filled with questions for each story. Perfect for book clubs and small groups.
Price: $5.00

Hot Apple Cider with Cinnamon - Pg. 145 Old Ladies' Perfume by Glynis M. Belec
In a world consumed with busyness, the heartfelt stories in HOT APPLE CIDER WITH CINNAMON will take you to a quiet place and remind you that simple acts of love can make a lifetime of difference.
Price: $19.99

Chicken Soup for the Soul - Angels Among Us - A Tim Horton's Angel by Glynis M. Belec
A superbly inspiring collection of heart-warming stories. I am honoured to be counted among the authors for this title with my award winning story - A Tim Horton's Angel on page 39. God's timing is perfect, I found out right after I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. ISBN: 9781611599060
Price: $16.95

Chicken Soup for the Soul - From Lemons to Lemonade! - Zeal for Teal by Glynis M. Belec
101 Positive, Practical, and Powerful Stories about Making the Best of a Bad Situation. What a lovely & refreshing read. Lots of uplifting stories of encouragement including one from a local writer friend - Caroline Sealey - From Worker to Owner on page 339. My story - Zeal for Teal - is on page 171.
Price: $16.95

Christian Soup for the Christian Woman's Soul - A Mother's Intuition by Glynis M. Belec
Another delightful taste of stories that open the heart and rekindle the spirit. Something in my heart resonated the day of my daughter's car accident and I sure felt a prod from God. See my story, 'A Mother's Intuition', on page 84. ISBN: 0757300189
Price: $14.95

Chicken Soup for the Soul The Spirit of Canada
ISBN: 9781611599688
These true personal stories are like love letters to this vast and beautiful country. You'll read about winter snow and summer cottages, hockey and national spirit, wilderness and wildlife, the cultural mosaic, that famous Canadian hospitality, and everything else that makes Canada unique. My story - Home Sweet Home pg. 345, is about when I came to Canada in 1967 as a little girl. A great adventure with some memorable moments including birthday cake in the middle of the Atlantic, hitting an ice-flow and Expo 67!
Price: $17.95

Chicken Soup for the Soul Moms Know Best
ISBN# 9781935096023
A lovely tribute to mothers. Plenty of stories in this great book to inspire and amuse; encourage and appreciate. My story, A Mother's Intuition, on page 7, is a story about a moment in the life of my daughter and how I learned to appreciate how fragile our days are.
Price: $16.95

Chicken Soup for the Soul The Joy of Christmas
ISBN #9781611599633
Plenty of encouraging and entertaining stories of Christmas. My story - A Divine Creature - page 305, is a story about an interesting tradition in our house. One that has survived almost 30 years of sisterly love.
Price: $17.95

Chicken Soup for the Soul Canadian Acts of Kindness
That famous Canadian politeness and kindness is alive and well in these 101 stories of caring and compassion. My stories, A Tim Horton's Angel on page 74 and Zeal for Teal page 103, appeared in other volumes but got selected for this collection too! All royalties from this book go to United Way Cantraide Canada. Honoured!
Price: $17.95

Inscribed- Including the Kitchen Sink & The Homecoming by Glynis M. Belec
30 Years of Inspiring Writers from Inscribe Christian Writers' Fellowship Check out both my stories on page 87 - 'The Homecoming' and page 182 - 'Including the Kitchen Sink'. ISBN: 9781926718200
Price: $15.00

7 Essential Habits of Christian Writers
A delightful read and a wealth of information. This anthology doesn't necessarily teach the how-twos of writing but it sure encourages those who are looking for a focused book filled with inspiring content. My fiction story, The Pursuit of Passion on page 129 is based on my own experience and what I learned in the process of growing into my writing 'boots'.
Price: $14.99

Grandmother’s Necklace - The Homecoming by Glynis M. Belec
This delightful collection is an incredible anthology of stories and poetry about, for and in honour of grandmothers everywhere. Editor and compiler, Patricia Anne Elford, has captured the essence of what it means to be a grandmother from a heart point of view. Her collection of stories from many authors including Phil Calloway, Winona Baker, CBC broadcaster – Judy Maddren and others (including me!) will stir hearts and put life into perspective. All profits raised from the sale of this book go to the Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign of the Stephen Lewis Foundation. www.grandmotherscampaign.org ISBN: 1554524628
Price: $20.00

The Point of Grace - 1 Act Play - by Glynis M. Belec
Country Acres Nursing Home, although a more likely place to encounter death, becomes the backdrop for renewed hope and revival as the message of Easter unfolds in this one act play.
Price: $5.00

Shhh! God is Speaking - A Drama Ministry Devotional by Glynis M. Belec
God has set the stage. Auditions are over. The cast has been selected. Where does everyone fit into the big picture? "Sshhh...God is Speaking" will shed some light for readers and hearers and doers and even dreams as the focus is upon the Good News of Jesus Christ; a focus that will catch the attention of youth and adults who are interested in Christian dramatic arts.
Price: $5.50